about graphic designer Tracy Southard


From a young age, Tracy Southard (owner / designer of OceanWild Design) has been creating artwork of one kind or another — developing a passion for commercial art that ultimately grew into her career. Having studied other creative discliplines in addition to graphic design, including illustration, painting, sculpture and photography, Tracy's unique perspective shines through in her work.

graphic designer Tracy Southard

After having established in-house graphics departments for companies and working for other graphic design firms — serving as creative lead and art director, Tracy launched OceanWild Design in 2009. Since then, she has designed for several local companies and counts some of the area's best businesses as clients. She has been a graphic designer and ad designer for a number of local publications, including magazines, vacation guides, recreation guides, chamber guides, real estate guides and dining guides in and around Ocean City, Maryland and the Delaware beaches.

graphic design usa awards

Clients pay her to problem-solve and make their lives easier. Other professionals trust her to help them with their own clients' projects. Designing for a wide range of industries, Tracy specializes in branding and design for coastal communities and resorts. She works directly with each client — whether they have a strong vision of what they would like to achieve or they look to her to create a vision that resonates with their needs.